Archive for August, 2010

Prendi un sistema di gioco

August 30th, 2010
[ English ]

La differenza tra il mio paese vecchio e il mio nuovo paese è esorbitante. In questo paese è possibile scattare cinque $$$$$ e di trasformarlo in un milione di dollari. Nel mio paese vecchio, che lo stesso cinque progetti di legge offrirebbe per la tua famiglia per un paio di giorni, ma si potrebbe in nessun momento di trasformarlo in più di questo.

Il Casino che gioca è una pratica. Sia che scommettere presso il locale del Texas Holdem poker gioco di Venerdì sera, se scommettere in un casinò a blackjack, se si scommette sui giochi sulle slot machine o di scommettere sul mercato azionario – non vi è assolutamente alcun contrasto.

Quando sono arrivato in questo paese straordinario che avevo nada. Ed ora, dopo anni di studio i giocatori eccezionali e le loro sistemi – sicuramente non importerà se sarò handicap una corsa di cavalli, una partita di basket NBA, il Super Bowl – ho imparato e trust nel mio sistema gaming che mi sarà surely fare da vivere.

E ho aggiunto che sono consapevole che nel mio cuore non c'è altra vita per me. Non ho mai mai tornare al mio vecchio paese. Essi non osservare e comprendere che in nessun momento. Sono completamente da un mondo alternativo, un orizzonte temporale alternativa. Non è realmente come questo paese.

Questo paese è completa realizzazione. E il denaro porta questa credenza. L'occasione qui è enorme. Un chip di poker unico è un vantaggio. E quello che fai con quel chip poker è completamente da te.

Anche se una cosa ho da dirvi è che non hai scelta, ma per avere un sistema di gioco. controllare gli scommettitori eccellente là fuori. Prendete i loro sistemi di scommesse e affinare, farle tua. provare e sperimentare con loro, li valutano più e più volte fino a quando li hai imparato.

Che si tratti di poker, blackjack, craps, le corse dei cavalli o che cosa mai il gioco è – pratica il sistema di scommesse. E se non so come, avere qualcuno che lo fa e da insegnare da loro. Diventa esperto da loro e realizzare dalla loro conoscenza. Ci sono così tanti sistemi di scommesse là fuori che si esprime con tutti i dettagli vi sarà bisogno. I benefici sono larghe e alle vostre punte delle dita.

E conservare che, il più grande azzardo nella vita è l'amore. Se ti piace quello che fai, se ti piace con chi sei, se sei un appassionato di voi per voi – non si può fare a meno, non importa ciò che nessuno ti dice a tutti.

Ora, andare là fuori e master tua vita. Sii il padrone del tuo sistema di gioco del casino. E soprattutto divertirsi.

(C) Giancarlo Casio. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Obtenir un système de jeu

August 30th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La différence entre mon pays ancien et mon nouveau pays est exorbitant. Dans ce pays, vous pouvez prendre cinq $$$$$ et le transformer en un million de dollars. Dans mon vieux pays que même cinq projets de loi permettrait de votre famille pour un couple de jours, mais vous pouvez à aucun moment en faire là-dessus.

de jeu de casino est une pratique. Que vous pariez à vos locaux Texas Holdem Poker match de vendredi soir, si vous misez au casino au Blackjack, si vous misez sur les jeux de machines à sous ou vous placer des paris sur le marché boursier – il n'y a absolument pas de contraste.

Quand je suis arrivé dans ce pays d'exception que j'avais nada. Et maintenant, après des années de l'étude des joueurs exceptionnels et leurs systèmes – il ne sera sûrement pas si je suis handicaper une course de chevaux, un match de basket NBA, le Super Bowl – que j'ai appris et de confiance dans mon système de jeu que je vais sûrement faire leur vie.

Et j'ai ajouté à cette suis conscient que dans mon coeur il n'y a pas d'autre vie pour moi. Je vais plus jamais retourner dans mon pays d'origine. Ils ne seront pas d'observer et de comprendre qu'ils en aucun temps. Ils sont complètement d'un monde alternatif, un délai de rechange. Il n'est pas fait comme ce pays.

Ce pays est complète avec la réussite. Et l'argent apporte cette croyance. La chance est énorme. Un seul jeton de poker est un avantage. Et ce que vous faites avec ce jeton de poker est complètement à vous.

Même si une chose que j'ai à vous dire, c'est que vous n'avez pas d'autre choix que d'avoir un système de jeux. vérifier les parieurs excellent là-bas. Prenez leurs systèmes de paris et de les affiner, de les rendre le vôtre. répéter et de les expérimenter, de les évaluer encore et encore jusqu'à ce que vous les ont maîtrisés.

Que ce soit au poker, blackjack, craps, les courses de chevaux ou quoi votre jeu est – la pratique de votre système d'enchères. Et si vous ne savez pas comment, demandez à quelqu'un qui s'y connaît et être enseignée d'eux. Devenir versés par eux et accomplir de leurs connaissances. Il ya tellement de systèmes de pari là-bas qui vous livrera tous les détails vous seront dans le besoin du. Les avantages sont larges et au bout des doigts.

Et de retenir que, le plus grand pari de la vie est l'amour. Si vous aimez ce que vous faites, si vous voulez avec qui vous êtes, si vous êtes vous aime pour vous – vous ne pouvez pas échouer, peu importe ce que n'importe qui vous le dit.

Maintenant, allez là-bas et de maîtriser votre vie. Soyez maître de votre système de jeu de casino. Et surtout de se divertir.

(C) Casio Giancarlo. Tous droits réservés.

Obtener un sistema de juego

August 30th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La diferencia entre mi país y mi viejo nuevo país es exorbitante. En este país se puede tomar cinco $$$$$ y convertirlo en un millón de dólares. En mi país la misma edad cinco proyectos de ley a su familia por un par de días, pero usted podría en ningún momento se convierten en más de eso.

El casino que juega es una práctica. Si usted apuesta en su local de Texas Holdem viernes por la noche juego de poker, si usted apuesta en un casino en el blackjack, si usted apuesta a los juegos en las máquinas tragaperras o realizar apuestas en el mercado de valores – no hay absolutamente ninguna diferencia.

Cuando llegué a este país excepcional tuve nada. Y ahora, después de años de estudio de los jugadores excepcionales y de sus sistemas – seguramente no importa si estoy de discapacidad una carrera de caballos, un juego de baloncesto de la NBA, el Super Bowl – que he aprendido y la confianza en mi sistema de juego que seguramente hará ganarse la vida.

Y añade que soy consciente de que en mi corazón no hay otra vida para mí. Nunca jamás volveré a mi país natal. No van a observar y comprender que en ningún momento. Son completamente de un mundo alternativo, un marco de tiempo alternativo. No es en realidad este país.

Este país se ha completado con éxito. Y el dinero trae esta creencia. La oportunidad aquí es enorme. Un chip de póquer es una ventaja única. Y lo que haces con ese chip de póquer es totalmente suya.

Aunque una cosa que tengo que decirle es que usted no tiene más remedio que contar con un sistema de juego. echa un vistazo a los apostantes excelentes que hay. Tome sus sistemas de apuestas y perfeccionarlas, los hacen suyos. ensayar y experimentar con ellos, a evaluar una y otra vez hasta que haya dominado.

Tanto si se trata de póquer, blackjack, dados, las carreras de caballos o lo que su juego es – la práctica de su sistema de apuestas. Y si no sé cómo, conseguir a alguien que pueda hacerlo y se impartirá entre ellos. Conviértete versado por ellos y lograr con su conocimiento. Hay sistemas de apuestas tantos por ahí que se entrega con todos los detalles que se necesitan. Los beneficios son amplios y en la punta de su dedo.

Y mantener esa, la mayor apuesta en la vida es el amor. Si te gusta lo que haces, si te gusta ¿con quién estás, si te gustan de ti para usted – usted no puede fallar, no importa lo que nadie en todo lo que dice.

Ahora salga allí y amo la vida. Sea el dueño de su sistema de juego del casino. Y sobre todo ser entretenido.

(C) Casio Giancarlo. Todos los derechos reservados.

Holen Sie sich ein Gaming-System

August 30th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Der Unterschied zwischen meiner alten Heimat und meine neue Heimat ist exorbitant. In diesem Land können Sie dauern fünf $$$$$ und es in eine Million Dollar. In meiner alten Heimat, die gleichen fünf Rechnungen würden für Ihre Familie für ein paar Tage geben, aber man konnte zu keiner Zeit machen es zu, dass über.

Casino Glücksspiel ist eine Praxis. Ob Sie bei Ihrem örtlichen Texas Holdem Wette Freitagabend Pokerspiel, ob Sie in einem Casino am Blackjack-Wette, ob Sie auf Spiele auf Spielautomaten Wette oder Wetten an der Börse – es gibt absolut keinen Unterschied.

Wenn ich an dieses außergewöhnliche Land kam, hatte ich nada. Und jetzt, nach Jahren des Studiums der außergewöhnlichen Spieler und ihre Systeme – es wird sicher nicht egal, ob ich handicapping ein Pferderennen, ein NBA-Basketball-Spiel, der Super Bowl – ich habe gelernt und das Vertrauen in meinem Gaming-System, dass ich sicher machen ein lebendiges.

Und ich fügte hinzu, dass sich bewusst, dass in meinem Herzen gibt es kein anderes Leben für mich bin. Ich werde nie wieder zu meiner alten Heimat zu gehen. Sie werden nicht zu beobachten und sie zu keiner Zeit zu begreifen. Sie sind vollständig von einer alternativen Welt, ein alternatives Zeitrahmen. Es ist eigentlich nicht mag dieses Land.

Dieses Land ist komplett mit Erfolg. Und Geld bringt diese Überzeugung. Die Chance, hier ist riesig. Eine einzige Poker-Chip ist ein Vorteil. Und was Sie mit diesem Poker-Chip zu tun, liegt ganz bei Ihnen.

Obwohl eine Sache habe ich dir sage ist, dass man keine andere Wahl als ein Gaming-System haben. Schauen Sie sich die ausgezeichneten Wetter da draußen. Nehmen Sie ihre Wett-Systeme und verfeinern sie, mache sie verkaufen. proben und experimentieren mit ihnen, bewerten sie immer und immer wieder, bis Sie sie gemeistert.

Ob Poker, Blackjack, Craps, die Pferderennen oder was auch immer Ihr Spiel ist – die Praxis Ihr System von Wetten. Und wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie sich jemand von ihnen beigebracht hat und werden. Werden Sie vertraut mit ihnen und von deren Wissen zu erreichen. Es gibt so viele Wett-Systeme gibt, liefern Ihnen alle Details finden Sie benötigen werden. Die Vorteile sind breit und an Ihren Fingerspitzen.

Und zu behalten, dass das größte Risiko im Leben ist die Liebe. Wenn Sie mögen, was Sie tun, wenn Sie, wer Sie sind, wie mit, wenn Sie von Ihnen für Sie gern haben – Sie können nicht scheitern, egal was jemand sagt Ihnen überhaupt.

Jetzt rauszugehen und Meister deines Lebens. Seien Sie der Kapitän Ihres Casino-Glücksspiel-System. Und vor allem unterhalten werden.

(C) Giancarlo Casio. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Craps orSlot Machines? Which One is Right for You?

August 29th, 2010

Casinos have games for just about every type of gambler. Craps and slots in particular appeal to really unique personalities. Online casinos underscore the differences in a few of the most well-known casino games. That may well be because particular types of players prefer the online experience far more than others.

If you might be interested in maximizing your wagering encounter, you really should know which game may be the very best one for you. For your gambling newcomer, here is really a contrast between two of the most well-known casino games in America.


Quite a few gamblers like craps more than any other casino game. The fast-paced action gives gamblers an adrenaline rush. Craps is also probably the most social casino game. Players tend to develop a sense of camaraderie with one another. The craps table is usually by far the most exciting place to be in a casino.

Craps is one of the much more complicated games to learn. It provides a variety of bets and has an etiquette all its own. Several novice gamblers is going to be intimidated by all the action at a craps table. Quite a few don’t know the difference in a pass line and a do not pass bet. They may perhaps not know that a few wagers might offend other players at the table, because superstition plays a big element in craps. A few gamblers holding the dice believe a don’t pass wager is often a jinx, because it can be a bet made directly against their very own bet.

Should you do not love the personal politics of a craps table, you can find other games for you personally at a casino. Perhaps slot machine games may be the casino game for you.

Slot Machine Games

Slots are for far more solitary gamblers. You do not have got to discover a new culture to play slots. You usually do not even must study basic strategy. A newcomer at slot machines has as a great deal chance to win as an old pro, because all you ought to do is pull a lever.

Slot machines gamblers uncover a slot machine equipment somewhere in the dark corners of the casino and play to their heart’s content. The slot player needs not concern oneself with any much more interaction than saying yes or no when the staff asks you if you want a drink.

Even superior, progressive slot machine games deliver the promise of huge payouts in the superior six figures. A few progressive slot machines are element of a gaming network, where each pull on a slot machine equipment in the network adds to a growing progressive jackpot. A few lucky gambler will receive paid off enormous, a a lot larger rate of return than one can expect at a craps table.

So slot machines are for the solitary gambler, the gambler who likes a quiet casino experience. Craps are for that social gambler, the player looking for an adrenaline rush. Except these are not the only differences in the 2 games.


Some casino games translate better to the internet than others. Video slots translates incredibly well, whilst craps basically isn’t the similar game online.

Video slot machines offer you all of the positive aspects of the live casino experience. You click a button as opposed to pull a lever. Otherwise, online slots are no various than live casino video slot machines poker. The promise of the progressive jackpot is preserved–and at times increased by the exponential demographics of the internet.

Craps is an entirely different matter. Wagering craps from a chair within your pc room at house just is not the same. You can’t hear the tinkle of glasses in the background. You don’t feel the craps dice inside your hand. There isn’t the loud drunk gambler for your right, or the hopeful beauty for your left.

But online craps offers its very own benefits, too. If you would like to practice will all unique kinds of craps bets, the net is often a best way to understand craps without holding back a table full of players. And if you could have a great imagination, you may remember the last time you hit that eight you needed at the local casino and have the very same adrenaline rush again.

Useful Gambling Hints, Tricks … Secrets

August 27th, 2010

The general idea of both land-based betting as well as internet based gambling establishment betting is, naturally, to generate a profit, as would any money-making business. The trick gambling dens bet on, nevertheless, is to give odds and games that at the very least seem fair so as to entice the gambler to come back time and time again.

This may possibly sound as though the scales are tipped unbelievably in favour of the gambling house, except this can be untrue. Contrary to well-liked consensus, reputable betting houses do offer you fair odds, but what most excellent players know is that if you discover a few secrets, you can beat the gambling house at its own game!

Firstly, web Vegas Gambling dens have far much less overhead expenses and therefore they can afford to provide higher Jackpots and additional consistent payouts. You can find loads of web based gambling dens nowadays, because net wagering sites are a lot less costly to run then real world betting houses. This creates lots of competition amount web-based betting houses which is quite very good for web-based gamblers. In an attempt to attract new gamblers many internet based betting houses will present welcome bonuses and regular promotions. The odds at internet based gambling dens are constantly significantly greater than those identified at brick and mortar gambling establishments.

The net gambling house games which offer you the greatest succeeding odds can be found at the on line video slot machines poker and web roulette tables.

The house edge on Video slot machines Poker is normally rather small, but where most gamblers produce the critical mistake is playing with a less-than-full understanding of the respective Video slot machines Poker variation and it is how your money is too easily flushed away.

In Jacks Or Better, it truly is normally advisable to maintain a hand that pays out. There are, however, exceptions like Three Card Royal Flushes … 4 Card Flushes. If there is very little worth money in your hand, try to keep any 2 high suited cards and discard any good unsuited cards.

Secondly, in Jokers’ Wild it is highly crucial to remember that only a King and an Ace are superior cards, because that is a Kings Or Better game. Should you obtain a Joker, hold on to it, because you’ll almost certainly not see one for too quite a few rounds again. Lastly, just remember that a Straight Flush has a incredibly good payout and it happens quite a lot a lot more than in Jacks Or Better.

The Key Advantages of Web Based Wagering

August 20th, 2010
[ English ]

If you’re trying to find the thrill of a casino, but you cannot travel to Sin city or Jersey, why not try online betting? Since its beginnings in the 90’s, the internet gambling community has evolved to become a important slice of the wagering pie. Millions of enjoyment seekers turn to net wagering as a secure and enjoyable way to spend a few bucks, plus a chance to obtain hundreds or thousands in return.

At important established gambling net web-sites, net gambling is just as secure for your money as wagering in the normal betting house. It is usually absolutely free to set up an account, and after that you deposit as much or as little as you’d like using your checking account or credit card and use those funds to bet. World wide web security has come a long way, and the internet based betting community takes extra precautions to ensure your money, and your winnings, are protected.

The games accessible for internet gambling are even additional varied than those in traditional gambling dens. You’ll discover virtual tables and rooms for dozens of types of poker: stud, Hold’em, Caribbean Stud, Video Poker, Three-Card Poker and just about any poker variant you can think of. For simpler wagering, you can wager on online slot machine machines, black-jack, roulette, or any of hundreds of click-and-win games. The web-based gambler searching for a challenge will get pleasure from Baccarat. With web wagering, the possibilities are endless!

Major wagering internet sites attract hundreds of thousands of visitors in the day. You can find even thousands of internet sites for those unwilling or unable to play for money: Quite a few on-line betting websites operate on a game credit basis, and you can play just for the enjoyment of it without risking anything. So, whether you desire to impress individuals with your major betting scores or acquire a shot at huge money internet, take a look at net wagering!

You no longer need to live inside a place where there is a gambling establishment. With a personal computer and also a connection to the World wide web, anyone over the legal age of 21 can gamble right from their own homes. Finally, there is something for everyone who likes to wager at on line gambling dens. Check out one of the numerous net gambling houses today to receive in on the game.

Beneficial Gambling Hints, Tricks … Secrets

August 12th, 2010
[ English ]

This may possibly sound as though the scales are tipped unbelievably in favour of the gambling house, except that is untrue. Contrary to common consensus, reputable casinos do present fair odds, except what most excellent gamblers know is that if you discover a few secrets, you’ll be able to beat the betting house at its own casino game!

Firstly, internet based Vegas Casinos have far much less overhead costs and therefore they can afford to provide higher Jackpots and much more repeated payouts. You will find loads of web betting houses these days, because internet betting web sites are a great deal less costly to run then land-based casinos. This creates lots of competition amount online casinos which is incredibly very good for online gamblers. In an attempt to attract new players several internet based gambling establishments will deliver welcome bonuses and normal promotions. The odds at on-line gambling dens are constantly a lot greater than those found at real world gambling dens.

The on-line betting house games which present the ideal winning odds may be observed at the on line video poker and on-line roulette tables.

The house advantage on Video slot machines Poker is usually rather little, except where most players make the critical mistake is playing with a less-than-full understanding of the respective Video Poker variation and this is how your money is too easily flushed away.

In Jacks Or Superior, it can be normally advisable to maintain a hand that pays out. You will find, nevertheless, exceptions like Three Card Royal Flushes … Four Card Flushes. If there’s nothing worth money in your hand, try to keep any two good suited cards and discard any high unsuited cards.

Secondly, in Jokers’ Wild it is highly essential to recall that only a King and an Ace are good cards, because that is a Kings Or Better game. In the event you obtain a Joker, hold on to it, because you’ll probably not see one for as well many rounds again. Lastly, just keep in mind that a Straight Flush has a really excellent pay out and it happens really a lot more than in Jacks Or Better.

Gambling-The American Dream

August 4th, 2010

Is not that what wagering is all about. You are usually hopeful which you can get a thing for practically nothing, or at the very least extremely little. Don’t you keep in mind what your mother told you? You cannot get anything for nothing. That is what my mother told me, and I have discovered out since then that she was absolutely right. I feel Wilson Mizner said it ideal, when he said, "Gambling: The certain way of getting nothing for something." Truly, at the end of the day, that’s it…..right?

In the excellent state of Montana they’ve these wonderful little equipments, known as keno machines. These keno products are everywhere, and the places that these equipment reside are called "gambling houses". I put gambling houses is quotes because they aren’t gambling establishments like you imagine of gambling houses. You can find no table casino game or slot equipment, just video poker and keno machines. In any case, I managed to get myself roped in to the dream of succeeding a couple hundred dollars in a sitting. The next thing I knew I was going back to these equipments almost daily. After a few months of this I recognized that no one actually wins. Oh certain, you may win fifty dollars here and there, but over the a period of time your just feeding the equipment five dollar bills like they were candy.

I managed to check myself and I do not even go into the "gambling houses" any more. I’ve met individuals who truthfully almost lost everything they have playing the ridiculous keno machines. The point that gets me about this type of wagering will be the fact that gambling houses will advertise within the radio that they have an eighty-five % payback rate. This may be the rate because it’s mandated by law. A eighty-five percent payback rate sounds great, except whenever you imagine about it this simply means that in the event you place $1 into the products it gives eighty five cents back . That is how it works. Just imagine of it as a reverse ATM. When I started thinking of gambling in these terms, I stopped.

I suppose that’s my aim with this article. To get you to realize that you just actually can’t win, no matter what other persons tell you. As Doc Holiday mentioned in Tombstone, "The odds are all on the house." That and only that would be the only reason there’s even a place on this planet named Vegas. Because the odds are all for the casino.